Some time ago, Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, launched a very harsh patch, which clearly stated that it would severely crack down on lane swapping in the game, and the developers would find a longer-term solution.
After the release of this update, players discussed it very heatedly, but more were against this kind of punishment. The lane swap strategy has long been a point of contention in this type of MOBA, because the team can get an early lead by moving their heroes to other lanes to take advantage of the extra people, which puts the team in a more advantageous position.
This lane swap strategy is often used by players in daily play, and even appears many times in professional competitions, because the team in professional competitions needs to be highly coordinated. But Leung-Harrison, the chief game designer working for Riot Games, said that lane swapping destroys some of the excitement of this game, because the best top laners fight against the best top laners, and the best bottom laners fight against the best bottom lanes for the best viewing experience.
With this new change, if two enemy heroes without jungle gear move to the top or mid lane or the surrounding area during the game, lane swap protection will be activated. However, if you don’t have a jungler on your team, this rule will not apply to you.
If there are two or more junglers on your team, the lane swap protection will also include them in the check range. The protection for the top lane may occur between 1:30 and 3:30, and for the mid lane between 1:30 and 2:15.
In addition, when the lane swap protection is activated, the defense tower you defend will receive 95% damage reduction and have the ability to kill with one shot. On top of that, all gold and experience gained from the defense tower and creep kills will be applied to the nearest friendly hero.
Special note here for the defense tower in the top lane when the lane swap protection is activated, the defending hero will receive 50% damage reduction when under the defense tower. Even after the offending hero leaves, this effect will last for 25 seconds in the top lane and 6 seconds in the middle lane.
Player Feedback
But in fact, as players and fans watching the game, I completely disagree with this view. In daily games, it is often the case that the randomly matched teammates are not keen to complete the victory of this battle. If this teammate is in charge of the side lane, then the advantage of this lane may be handed over to others, eventually leading to the failure of the entire game.
Or if the jungler in the team is at a disadvantage in the long-term position pressure, then the wild monsters on the map may be plundered by the jungler of the opponent’s player, which will cause the economy and combat capabilities of the entire team to be at a disadvantage and unable to turn the game around. If another side lane player or other players in other lanes can provide help, then this game is likely to turn defeat into victory.
For spectators of professional competitions such as League of Legends World Championship Series, long-term confrontations in the same position may cause visual fatigue, especially in the current competition system that does not use global BP. This will cause some strong heroes in the version to appear repeatedly in the field and is not conducive to the common progress of the team and players. If lane switching is allowed, players will see the strongest top laner and the strongest bottom laner laning, which may be an ultimate viewing experience.
Although the developer pointed out that the current change is only temporary and a long-term solution is being studied, I think this solution will not last long in this highly controversial situation because it is not accepted by players. I wonder what your attitude is towards this change I wish you a happy game!